





Family Medicine Residency Program


It is a training program under the supervision of Saudi Commission of Health Specialties.It is a competency-based curriculum that will be conducted now for three years. It used to be a four-year curriculum, but since 2019-2020 the change was implemented. The change aims for successful Saudi healthcare transformation by 2030.

The curriculum will focus more on shaping the future of family physicians by enhancing their clinical skills and flexibility in the curriculum in organizing and planning for specific rotations (e.g., ophthalmology, orthopedic, radiology, elective, etc.) also more elective rotations, which can satisfy residents’ special interests.

The curriculum also enhances the academic activities for the residents by a mandatory release of all residents for one full-day per week to attend and participate in WADA which is Weekly academic-day activities organized by the training center.

Research can be conducted as a course or the contents can be included in academic activities. A research proposal submission is mandatory for all residents, while the submission of a full thesis is optional for the training center.


هو برنامج تدريبي تحت إشراف الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية ، وهو منهج قائم على الكفاءة سيتم تنفيذه الآن لمدة ثلاث سنوات.

كان منهجًا مدته أربع سنوات ، ولكن منذ 2019-2020 تم تنفيذ التغيير. يهدف التغيير إلى تحول ناجح للرعاية الصحية السعودية بحلول عام 2030.

سيركز المنهج بشكل أكبر على تشكيل مستقبل أطباء الأسرة من خلال تعزيز مهاراتهم السريرية والمرونة في المناهج الدراسية

في التنظيم والتخطيط لدورات محددة (على سبيل المثال ، طب العيون ، وجراحة العظام ، والأشعة ، والاختيارية ، وما إلى ذلك) أيضًا المزيد من الدورات الاختيارية ، والتي ترضي مصالح المتدربين.

يعزز المنهج أيضًا الأنشطة الأكاديمية للمقيمين من خلال يوم إلزامي لجميع المتدربين في الأسبوع للحضور

والمشاركة في آنشطة آكاديمية وأسبوعية ينظمها مركز التدريب.

يمكن إجراء البحث كدورة أو يمكن تضمين كيفية عمل البحث في الأنشطة الأكاديمية.

يعد تقديم مقترح البحث أمرًا إلزاميًا لجميع المتدربين في البرنامج ، بينما يعد تقديم البحث كاملا أمرًا اختياريًا لمركز التدريب.

The curriculum:

*First year PGY1

16 weeks of Family medicine

4 weeks of Adult ER

4 weeks of General surgery

12 weeks of Internal medicine,

4 weeks of Pediatric ER

8 weeks of pediatric

*Second year PGY2

8 weeks of OBGYN

4 weeks of Derma

8 weeks of Psychiatry,

12 weeks of Family medicine,

16 weeks of multi-options rotation (ENT, orthopedics, ophthalmology, radiology)

*Third year PGY3

4 weeks of elective

4 weeks of adult ER

36 weeks of family medicine

4 weeks of selective rotation (geriatric, palliative, women’s health)

** some rotations could have different timing between PGY1 and PGY2 except family medicine.

The SaudiMED-FM 2020 framework is composed of 24 competencies distributed across six main domains:

How the residents will be assessed?

The assessment will include summative and formative assessment known as KSA.

1-Knowledge (i.e., end-of-year progress test and a weekly academic program)

2-Skills (i.e., a portfolio, an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE))

3-Attitude (i.e., an in-training evaluation report (ITER)—based on roles and regulations of the SCFHS.

in addition to part 1 and a final board examination.

** Portfolio consists of 2 DOPS, 2 MINI-CEX, and 2 CBDs in each block of Family medicine rotations, non-FM rotation the resident is expected to finish ITER only but can fill an optional logbook on the side.


Per the Saudi Commission Rules and Regulations, residents in the FM program receive 4 weeks of leave annually, one week of study leave, and one week of Eid leave (either Eid Al-fitr or Eid Aladha). All leaves require the program director’s approval.The resident must physically attend at least 75% of the total duration of any clinical rotation to fulfill the rotation requirements and be eligible for ITER evaluation.

Joining the program:

It is through the Saudi Commission of Health Specialties website:

In which the application will be held yearly on specific timing, the applicant is expected to hold a degree from a recognized medical school, or at least held internship certificate, to pass the SMLE exam, and have a valid registration and a sponsorship (ex: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defense, National Guard, etc.). Other requirements and details will be announced through the website. 

To contact the commission, you can call them by 920019393, or through TAWASUL portal.


Source: Saudi Board for Family Medicine Curriculum 2020 Booklet


* Resources to read from * 

1- website:

2- Books: You can find them in Jarir bookstores or Amazon